miércoles, 2 de abril de 2008

Para los amantes del síndrome metabólico

Para Sophi, yadira y lalo
Esta me parece una buena idea, usar el fenotipo en forma de escala para detectar a pacientes con mayor probabilidad de tener sx metabólico. Es decir, un score que sirva de herramienta de cribaje.

Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2008 Feb;79(2):e1-5. Epub 2007 Sep 18.

Novel phenotypic markers and screening score for the metabolic syndrome in adult Asian Indians.
Misra A, Jaiswal A, Shakti D, Wasir J, Vikram NK, Pandey RM, Kondal D, Bhushan B.
The Department of Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases, Fortis Hospitals, New Delhi, India. anoopmisra@metabolicresearchindia.com
AIMS: The metabolic syndrome (MS) and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) are common in Asian Indians. Simple yet reliable phenotypic markers are needed for early detection of the MS in Asian Indians. METHODS: In this cross-sectional study, 126 subjects either with of without the MS were compared. Anthropometric measurements (including assessment of novel phenotypic markers) and metabolic profile were done. RESULTS: On univariate analysis, age more than 35 year, female gender, presence of buffalo hump and double chin and family history of T2DM were significantly associated with the MS. A metabolic syndrome screening (MSS) score (1.0 x double chin+1.2 x buffalo hump+1.3 x gender+1.4 x age category) was generated with a cutoff value of 3.5 out of total points of 4.9, with sensitivity and specificity 82% and 71% [area under the curve=0.83; 95% confidence Interval (0.76-0.90)], respectively in detecting individuals with the MS. CONCLUSION: We describe buffalo hump and double chin as novel phenotypic markers for detection of MS for the first time. The MSS score generated by us may be a useful tool for detection of MS in adult Asian Indians; however, it needs further validation in a larger sample of Asian Indians and in other ethnic groups.

El mecanismo de búsqueda en pubmed fue: ("Phenotype"[Mesh]) AND "Metabolic Syndrome X"[Mesh]


1 comentario:

EPICLIN 2008 dijo...

ese artículo (ya lo tenía) me esta sirviendo para definir que otras características físicas puedo encontrar asociadas a fenotipos de riesgo para sx. metabólico, ahora como soy nutriopet quiero incluir características de la dieta como parte de la conducta alimentaria de este fenotipo en especial (para las nutriólogas sería importante ver que estrategias dietéticas podemos seguir con estos pacientes que a veces no responden a las "dietas científicas" y solo a algunas "comerciales").